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💫The February Challenge💫

Back in the old days of meeting in our studio space, we looked forward to our February Class Challenge every year…classes would be full and the studio buzzing. The initial idea of the challenge was to keep momentum going after the new years resolutions have lost their luster.

We get it, some of us thrive with some serious community motivation and a little healthy competition while some of us hear the word challenge after 2020 and think you want me to WHAT?

This year calls for something different, so we hope you’ll join us in the month of February for:


A quest for establishing a routine of movement, community, and simple practices to keep you steady and sane in a time of great uncertainty.

YES, there’s a class challenge component! We challenge you to attend 25 MYC classes in 28 days: Livestream, Outdoor, or On-Demand; class series and workshops count too! Our regular rates to join classes apply. If you’re new to us, start with 2 weeks of unlimited classes for $20!

AND there’s a offering component of daily-ish emails with short and sweet self-care practices from MYC teachers and community members.

Are there prizes?! YEAH!

The first person to finish 25 classes wins a free month of ALL-In Membership!

The first three folks to finish receive a beautiful meditation cushion!

Everyone who completes 25 classes in 28 days receives an MYC tank or tee!

Register for the February Challenge by entering your name and email address below. PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT have to be participating the class challenge component to receive the self-care practice emails!

January 31

The Gathering

February 5

SHAKE-IT! Pop-Up Virtual Dance Classes