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The Upside of Being Upside Down

Hi y’all, it’s Amy here! You’re invited to join me for an exploration of the benefits (and fun!) of being upside down.  This virtual inversion workshop will focus on how to safely practice 2 versions of headstand (Sirsasana I & II), forearm stand (Pincha Mayurasana) and handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana)…AT HOME.  To begin, we’ll start off with a short and strengthening Vinyasa practice to prepare our bodies for the work it takes to go upside down.  Then, we’ll pick apart each inversion and discuss tips and tricks on how to safely access them using a wall and other household items in your own home. I’ll be available after the workshop for questions and to give individual advice. 

This workshop is suitable for those who don’t yet have an inversion practice – but want one… and for those who’d like to dive deeper!  Space will be limited so attendees can receive personal attention. Sign up today!

Props needed for this workshop:

  • A wall or closed door in your home

  • A yoga block (or stack of thick books bound together)

  • A yoga strap (or a thin scarf, belt or dog leash)

  • A blanket or thick towel

Members may join for free with the Upside Free Members Pass. Be sure to choose this option in the Registration process.

There are three pricing tiers to join by drop-in:

Supporter $25 for those who can pay it forward and support those paying the Community rate

Sustainer $22 for those who can cover their cost to join

Community $20 for those who could use a financial assist

February 26

Slow Flow with Live Music

February 27

February Full Moon Gong Baths