As we bid farewell to the cold of winter, it’s time to start looking forward to the first signs of Spring! The Full Moon of March reminds us that Spring is right around the corner because it’s the LAST Full Moon of Winter! This special moon, called the WORM MOON has a funny name…but it provides great significance! The indigenous people named this moon to refer to the time of year when the worms would emerge from the dark frozen grounds of winter. The Worm Moon is our reminder that’s it’s time to say GOODBYE to the darkness of Winter as we welcome the beautiful new LIGHT and LIFE of Spring!
As this full moon illuminates the sky, it signals a time of rebirth, renewal, and REJUVENATION.
On Saturday, March 15th, Janice will lead us in an evening of sound, movement, celebration, surrender, laughter, love, and deep relaxation. You will leave with an open heart and ready to receive the invigorating energy of the Worm Moon! ALL ARE WELCOME.
Join through sliding scale pricing:
Supporter $40 / Sustainer $30 / Financial Assistance $20