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Transforming Grief: 3-Part Yoga Series

Grief is not our shadow, it is our guide, and it shows up in many forms related to loss: loss of self, loss of an identity or life phase, loss of a loved one.

We also recognize, particularly keenly in this moment in time, that all grief is not personal. We are experiencing a collective grief related to loss of health: of the planet, of our fellow man, of community connection and more.

This three part series will explore the practice of grief, using the Yogic principles of self study, consistency in practice and devotion to that which is higher than ourselves. Each class can also stand alone.

We will use meditation, postures, breath-work, journaling, and ritual to understand how to access grief as a deep teacher and release attachment so that we can move into a space of equanimity and personal healing.



Classes meets live on Thursdays, March 25, April 1, & April 8 from 6-7:30pm CST.

*Live attendance is not required; each session you're registered for will be recorded and emailed to you. Sharing & group discussion will not be recorded to protect your privacy and process. Members, see above about purchasing recordings.

Thursday, 3/25: Self Study for Grief

We'll begin by working with the yogic concept of Svadyaya. This concept revolves around study of one's soul self, using Yogic texts and practices. We will consider how you define and relate to grief. Then, you'll begin recognizing and acknowledging the various griefs you hold in your life. Journaling, quieting the mind, deep listening, and breath work will be incorporated.

Thursday, 4/1: Consistency & Discipline for Grief

We will explore the yogic concept of Tapas. Time will be spent understanding and committing to forms of consistent practice one can cultivate to bring forward and practice grief/loss as a skill. We will learn techniques in breath-work, yoga poses, intention setting, practical planning for daily incorporating of these practices.

Thursday, 4/8: Surrender in Grief

We will spend time with the yogic concept of Isvara Pranidhana. This concept teaches us to surrender our small selves (ego) to the Divine (or higher self). We will learn about practicing devotion, internalizing impermanence, and working with vast awareness. We will also flesh out ideas for creating sacred ritual to move forward and to let go.


There are 2 no-cost scholarship available for each class for folks from marginalized communities to join for free.  Email Laura  to claim a scholarship or to nominate someone. Click here to donate to our MYC Community Fund and support this scholarship program.

Monthly Members may join live classes for free!  Select the "Members Grief Series" or a "Members Grief Drop-In" to join at no cost.  Add the "Members Grief Class Recording" to your cart instead to register & receive a single class recording.  These are $15/class for members.

Investment to join for non-members is on a sliding scale: 

3-part Grief Series: Supporter $75, Sustainer $65, Community $45

Grief Drop-in: Supporter $25, Sustainer $22, Community $15

Pricing includes live attendance and video recording

Angel recommends the following props for these classes:

  • journal & pen

  • blankets

  • blocks

  • bolster

March 21

Pop-Up PiYo Class

March 28

Pop-Up PiYo Class