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Embodied Movement Workshop

Allison’s Embodied Movement Workshop is designed to connect you to your body, mind and soul!

Embodied Movement is a dance-inspired workshop to help you explore your highest vibes! This unique workshop will begin with a warm up, complete with core work and targeted upper/lower body strengthening. With low lighting and a safe space, participants will be given improvisational tools to create movement of their own…then Allison will lead us through beginner friendly choreography that is set to music. We will spend the remainder of the class practicing/exploring the choreography and the improvisational tools.

Dance is incredible for your brain, (improves memory, focus, and creates new neural pathways) enhances your mood, (boosts endorphins, allows emotional release, and reduces stress) and strengthens your body (cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility and balance). Give it a try…you’ll LOVE IT!


Join through sliding scale pricing:

Supporter $45 / Sustainer $35 / Financial Assistance $25

Click here to apply for our Financial Assistance pricing

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